We will still be open on December 6th, 7th, and 8th (Fri-Sun) with limited supplies, closed after that. We appreciate your business and hope to see you this weekend or, at least next year.



Crane Hill Tree Farm is a "Choose and Cut" (or we will cut for you) Christmas Tree Farm at 233 Johnson Hill Road in Washington, Massachusetts in the beautiful Berkshires. It is owned and operated by the Spencer family.

We planted our first trees in 1989, opened for business in 1997, and now have approximately 4500 trees from first year transplants up through a few at 10 feet or more. The primary species is the traditional New England Christmas tree, the Balsam fir.






Supply for the 2024 Christmas season:

Crane Hill Tree Farm has enjoyed considerable success in its mission to add the joy of a real tree to the Christmas experience for as many families as possible. After a few years in which sales outpaced the ability of the trees to keep up, we have now substantially recovered. We have a reasonable supply of Balsams in the 5 to 8 foot size range and a few up to 9 ½ or 10 feet.

In the past few years, just like farmers throughout the northeast, we have had to deal with some extreme weather, too wet followed by too dry, etc. We have been planting vigorously to replace those trees; but it will be quite a while before those replacements are ready for harvest.

We have also been planting in a separate nearby field for 8 years now. The first plantings in that field are now 7-9+ feet tall and looking beautiful. ()picture below) We expect to harvest some of those daily when we are open in 2025 and beyond. We will then transport them to the main farm to be sold as freshly precut trees. They will be priced according to size and quality. If you think a quality, freshly cut balsam would be of interest to you, please send an email (cranehilltreefarm@verizon.net) or tell us when you visit the farm this year.

In recent years our popularity has increased to the point where we have been forced to close after the first two or, at most, three weekends in order to preserve the supply for future years. The supply this year might allow opening for three weekends. But, if planning to come to Crane Hill Tree farm after December 8, you might want to call (413) 623-5865 or email craneehilltreefarm@verizon.net ahead.


PICTURES: Click on any of the following links to view some of our operation.

Shearing Trees

Views of the Farm

School Field Trip

The Finished Product 



We are just off Route 8 at 233 Johnson Hill Road in Washington. (See links to maps below.)

From the South:

We are about 20 minutes from Lee or Chester/Huntington.

From Rte 20 take Rte. 8 North to the village of North Becket. At the Olde Village Market take a right onto High Street. Follow High Street up the hill approximately 1 mile. You are now in Washington. Take a left onto Johnson Hill Road. Crane Hill Tree Farm is on the right (approximately 3/4 mi.).

From the North:

We are only 20 minutes from Pittsfield or Dalton.

Take Rte. 8 South through Hinsdale and into Washington. Just past the Washington Town Park take a left onto Lower Valley Road. Lower Valley Rd. will pass under the railroad tracks, then will turn hard to the right, and after a little more than 1 mile will lead to a fork in the road. At that point bear left onto Johnson Hill Rd. Crane Hill Tree Farm is on the left at the crest of the hill (approximately 1/3 mi.). If you find yourself on a dirt road, you have taken a wrong turn.



Click Here for a Detailed Map of the Area Near the Farm

Link to Yahoo Maps

Link to Google Maps


We now have a a cone and materials for wrapping/netting trees. That should make it easier to load and unload your tree, especially if you don’t have a pickup truck. It also makes it easier to get your tree into the house. NETTING OF TREES IS A FREE SERVICE.


This year all cut-your-own trees will still be one price, $52 cash, check, or credit/debit. We try to keep our trees affordable for all. But inflation, especially the prices of fuel and fertilizer, has hit farms harder than many other businesses.

Hours of Operation:

We are open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays starting the day after Thanksgiving. Hours are from 9:00 AM to sunset. Although there is no guarantee, we are often also able to accommodate customers on other days by appointment. Call or email in advance if you would like to come during the week.

233 Johnson Hill Road
Washington, MA 01223

E-MAIL: cranehilltreefarm@verizon.net

PHONE: (413) 623–5865          


Member Massachusetts Christmas Tree Association, Registered Tree Farm


Massachusetts Christmas Tree Association

Conn. Christmas Tree Assoc.

Vermont/ New Hampshire Christmas Tree Assoc.